Online Mentoring

Premise-to-Pitch is a step-by-step, creative writing programme, with the emphasis on one-to-one video consultation. Although there are plenty of good creative writing books on the market, the development of a story thrives better on conversation.


This programme guides a story (fiction or non-fiction) through the stages of Premise + Plot/Structure; Creating Credible Characters; Point of View (Narrative Perspective); Theme + Symbolism & Motif; The Writer’s Toolbox (Narrative Techniques & Elements of Grammar); and finally, to an agent-ready Pitch.

We start with the mechanics of writing, the necessary components that constitute a solid story structure, and then move on to narrative techniques and elements of grammar, which determine writing style.

You can follow the modules in sequence, or pick and mix according to the areas you want to concentrate on. If you already have a completed story that you’re happy with, then you can jump straight to the Pitch module.

These Premise-to-Pitch modules cover the areas of storytelling that apply to both fiction and non-fiction, but there is also a separate module available which provides more specific and practical guidance on the formatting and selling of your non-fiction, whether it be articles, autobiography/biography, or memoir.

Supplementary video sessions are also available, either to help with the modules or to discuss topics of your own choosing.

Before you purchase any of the modules, please feel welcome to get in touch for a FREE AND NO OBLIGATION VIDEO CHAT. Are the modules right for you? You need to be sure. The sharing of your creative thoughts can be an intimate process, so it’s important to feel comfortable with whomever you choose to share them.

Start your Writer’s Life with Premise-to-Pitch.

The Modules:


Premise + basic plot/structure.


Creating credible characters.


Point of view (narrative perspective).


Theme + symbolism & motif.


The writer’s toolbox (narrative techniques and elements of grammar).


First 10,000 words.


Pitch to an agent.

Extra Modules (not included in premise-to-pitch):


How to present and sell non-fiction.


First draft analysis.


Supplementary one-hour video consultations.

Module Details

Module 1

Premise + Basic Plot/Structure


The test of a story’s potential is whether it can be reduced to a single, compelling sentence. Do you know what that sentence needs to contain?

And once you have that single, compelling sentence, how do you expand it into a full-blown plot with a beginning, middle and end?

Module 1 process:

  • Prior to a one-hour video consultation, you’ll receive a PDF on Premise + Plot/Structure containing explanations, examples and exercises.
  • Based on the guidance contained in the PDF, submit your single-sentence premise and plot breakdown for a written appraisal.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal and to finalise your basic premise and plot in readiness for MODULE 2.

Module 2

Creating Credible Characters


Character is key to the success of any story. Events are always more interesting if we care about the people to whom they happen. So how do we make a reader care? What are the questions we need to ask when creating our characters?

Module 2 process:

  • Prior to a one-hour video consultation, you’ll receive a PDF on Creating Credible Characters containing explanations, examples and exercises.
  • Based on the guidance contained in the PDF, submit your list of character profiles and sample scenes for a written appraisal.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal and to finalise your cast of characters in readiness for MODULE 3.

Module 3

Point of View (Narrative Perspective)


Who is telling your story? Do we see the world through the eyes of one character? Or two? Or multiple characters? How close are we to the thoughts and feelings of a character? Are we in their head, experiencing everything as they do? Or are we dispassionate observers, witnessing everything from a distance?

Your choice of perspective determines how the reader receives the world of the story. Are you hoping to elicit a specific response? Or are you merely presenting the facts, happy to let the reader draw conclusions of their own?

Module 3 process:

  • Prior to a one-hour video consultation, you’ll receive a PDF on Point of View (Narrative Perspective) containing explanations, examples and exercises.
  • Based on the guidance contained in the PDF, submit the sample scenes requested for a written appraisal.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal and to finalise your story’s narrative perspectives in readiness for MODULE 4.

Module 4

Theme + Symbolism & Motif


Theme: A theme is the underlying idea or message that the writer wants the reader to think about. For example: “The corrupting influence of power.”

Themes are the primary drivers of a story; they give it purpose and keep the writing focused. Does your story have a theme? Where do you go looking for one if it hasn’t?

Symbolism & Motifs: These are the supportive tools that help express your themes. They add depth and impact.

Module 4 process:

  • Prior to a one-hour video consultation, you’ll receive a PDF on Theme + Symbolism & Motif containing explanations, examples and exercises.
  • Based on the guidance contained in the PDF, submit your proposed themes, symbols and motifs for a written appraisal.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal and to finalise your themes and choices of symbols and motifs in readiness for MODULE 5.

Module 5

The Writer’s Toolbox (Narrative Techniques and Elements of Grammar)


You have a compelling premise, a solid structure, credible characters and engaging themes; you know what happens in your story, to whom it happens and when it happens – but how are you going to tell that story? How are you going to make it seductive and original?

We take control of a story through narrative techniques and elements of grammar. These are your language tools, and how you apply them is the test of your craftsmanship.

Module 5 process:

  • Prior to a one-hour video consultation, you’ll receive a PDF on The Writer’s Toolbox containing explanations, examples and exercises.
  • Based on the guidance contained in the PDF, submit the samples requested for a written appraisal.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal and to prepare you for writing your first 10,000 words.

Module 6

Your First 10,000 Words


Module 6 process:

  • Submit your first 10,000 words for a written appraisal.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal and to prepare you for writing a complete draft. But first, you now have enough material to start thinking about MODULE 7: Pitch to an Agent.

Module 7

Pitch to an Agent


A standard pitch/submission to an agent usually comprises a covering letter, a single-sentence premise, one-page synopsis and your first three chapters or 10,000 words. Sounds straightforward, doesn’t it? But agents receive hundreds of submissions a month and are likely to only take on four or five new clients a year. How do you make your submission stand out amongst those hundreds?

Module 7 process:

  • Prior to a one-hour video consultation, you’ll receive a PDF on Pitch to an Agent containing explanations, examples and exercises.
  • Based on the guidance contained in the PDF, submit your pitch for a written appraisal.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal and to finalise your Pitch.

Module 8

How to Present and Sell Non-Fiction


This document is a compilation of personal experiences and other professional sources, offering advice on how to present and sell your non-fiction. (For more detailed help with character development and narrative techniques, have a look at the other modules contained within Pitch-to-Premise.)

Module 8 process:

  • Prior to a one-hour video consultation, you’ll receive a PDF on How to Present and Sell Non-Fiction containing explanations, examples and exercises.
  • Based on the guidance contained in the PDF, submit your non-fiction writing sample for a written appraisal.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal and your possible next steps.

Module 9

First Draft Analysis (Up To 80,000 Words)

£600 (£99 for every extra 10,000 words)

Module 9 process:

  • Submit your 1st draft for a written appraisal covering structure and use of narrative techniques.
  • One-hour video consultation to discuss the appraisal.

Module 10

Supplementary One-Hour Video Consultations


Whenever you’re stuck or confused or just going stir crazy, a conversation always helps.

Module 10 process:

  • You choose the topic you’d like to talk about.

Payment Options

The first module, whether you start at 1, or go straight to 3, is charged at £99.

If, after one module at £99, you commit to the remaining 6 Premise-to-Pitch modules and pay the balance up front, the total price is £600 – a saving of £93.

Start your Writer’s Life with Premise-to-Pitch.

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